Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Giana at 9 Months!

Giana at 9 Months!

Boy… are we late!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry 'bout that... but we've been on the run these days - and with Giana under our wing, time seems to go way too fast. Well the update is.... Giana is becoming more and more active. She's always finding time to occupy all of our time. Though she isn't walking yet, she's demanding our attention in every possible way. From the teeth coming in, to the "look-what-I-can-do" moments, Giana is surely keeping us busy. I guess this is what we signed up for right? But man are we pooped! This is starting to feel like boot camp for first-time parents - but hey it's all worth it right?



Sporting a Crips bandana.


Ok... can you take this thing off me now?

Grandma Alex and Giana

Riding Grandama...
Yeehawwwww Grandmawwwww!

Giana and Grandma Alex

Grandma... Grandma are you Okay?!!!

Grandma Ivette and Giana

Loving anything that dangles.


Being entertained as always.

Giana and Tio Ronnie

Awwwwwww.... Giana loves her Tio.


The next Sheila E.


The next Alicia Keys.


Loves her swing at home.


Loves her swing at the park.

Whattaya waitin' for...? Push!


At Water Taxi Beach in L.I.C., NY.

Giana and Max

Getting the last bit of beach weather before the Fall.

Matt, Giana, Max and Claude

Daddy Day Care!



Katia and Giana

You know Giana..., always giving out raspberries.

Giana and Pop

Getting ready for some mouthwatering "Smothered Steak" in North Carolina.


Ahhhh... Just like Smothered Steak!


Hey put down that camera!


Okay just one picture.

So what did we learn this month.................

Where do we start? Well... parenting is getting harder, but with hard work comes reward. This month we were faced to learn something about pain. We learned that we get overly "Parent-ish" when Giana hurts herself or feels pain - like when she goes through a teething moment. It breaks our heart every time, but we see that pain is an unfortunate necessary evil. For instance, we flew down to North Carolina last month and it was Giana's first plane flight. Ears popping, tears falling, screams screeching, and passengers cursing us out to themselves. Though I'm probably making it sound worse than it was, we simply wanted Giana to feel safe and comfortable… but it was hard. We landed in NC safely, but throughout our stay, Giana seemed homesick due to her new surroundings. To add, her teething led on to an ear ache that made her miserable. Talk about Craaankyyyyyy!!! Though we hated every moment seeing her go through the motions, we loved it when she's kicked the pain and returned to normal.

I believe going through these moments drew us closer to Giana, where we really got to experience what our parents felt when we broke a leg or got sick. True we always want to keep her safe, but it is inevitable... things will happen. But as things do happen, the love we feel pours out in such abundance that we learn to appreciate her more each time. I know this is just the beginning and she needs to explore more every day, but man it’s getting scary. Just wait until she starts walking… Ughhhhhhh!

Til next month..............

Matt, Melissa and Giana


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