Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Giana at 4 Months!

Giana at 4 Months!

What an exciting time we're experiencing. Giana is at a stage where she's not such a little girl anymore... she's becoming a little BIG girl. She's getting more curious about her surroundings and everything in it. I call it being "nosey", but I know this is all in her development. Her biggest accomplishment this month is her laughing. When Melissa and I first heard her laugh, we nearly flipped over the chair. It was the cutest thing we ever heard. We quickly went for the camcorder to record her laughs, so now we get to see her chuckle all the time. On the downside of things, Giana is starting to teethe. "Cranky" Ain't the word! My brother Boo and his family flew in from Florida last weekend and met Giana for the first time. Throughout their visit Giana was crying and having a fit because of her teeth. We numbed her gums with some medication, but she was still fussy most of the time. Gee... What a nice way to greet your uncle for the first time. I'm sure they love you anyway.

Up close and personal.

See she's got daddy's moustache... but it'll go away. Right?


Giving a "fake" smile.


That's better!


Already prepared for school.

Oooh oooh ooh... I know... I know... Me... me... me...!


STOP!......... Hammertime!

Mommy and Giana

Posing for the paperazzi.

Mommy and Giana

Giving a little tenderness.

Daddy and Giana

I don't think Giana wanted me in this picture.

I know... it's all about you baby

Giana and Daddy

Giving out Raspberries.


Just waking up from a comfortable car ride!


In a better mood.

Giana and Tio Ronnie

Bonnie and Clyde.

or... Bonnie and Ronnie!

Tio Boo-Boo and Giana

Feeding the munchkin.

Tio Boo and Giana

Gimme some sugar...

ok but you gotta take the bobo outta my mouth first.

Tio Boo, Daddy, Tio Ronnie, and Giana

Three men and a baby.

Grandma Sylvia, Tio Boo, Daddy, Mommy, Tio Ronnie, and Giana

Family love.

Giana and Mommy

A beautiful day in the park.

Giana and Mommy

A beautiful day in the park.

Vivian, Cynthia and Max (Vivian's boy)

Picnic buddies and then some.........

Mommy, Giana, Max, and Vivian

Max hittin' on Giana.

Guess they're starting out younger than I thought.


Done for the day.


So what have we learned in the fourth month........

This baby stuff is really moving fast! In the last 3 months Giana was having her colic fits every night around 7pm. Then they completely stopped. Soon after, her teething started kicking-in and now we have something else to deal with. Before you know it'll be the late phone calls and the boyfriends knocking at our door (shotgun in my hand... yes!). But with the craziness comes the goodness, and in our case the good definitely outweighs the bad. We're happy that she's in the best of health and she's developing everyday. Her improvements knock us off her feet and it thrills us to find her doing new things. In essence Giana is teaching us more than we could ever teach ourselves... and because of her, we draw closer to God, each other, and our families who share in our daughter’s life. Life certainly has new meaning with Giana around, because we probably didn’t know much about life before her.

'til next month!

Matt, Melissa and Giana Renee Velez